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tv   ABC World News With Diane Sawyer  ABC  August 1, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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this is "world news." tonight face to face, a woman survives a decade of torture in cleveland and finally gets to stare her tormenter down. >> i will live on. you will die a little every day. >> when she finished the captor cries and tries to blame the victim. we take you inside the mind of the man they call the monster. on alert, the new threat forcing american embassies around the world to lock their doors. made in america, david muir takes us to meet the workers who just created the first smart phone made here at home. their new ideas and their promise that america is back. >> made in america!
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good evening. today we all stopped to watch an incredible human drama in a cleveland courtroom. a tiny woman, a survivor, summoning the powering strength to stare down the man who had abused her for 11 years. when she finished in the bizarre turn, the kidnapper blamed his victims and insisted he was not a monster. he was somehow misunderstood. abc's alex perez takes us through the stunning showdown. >> reporter: she was his first victim, enduring 11 long years of abuse and torture. today michelle knight stood tall hugged those around her and faced down the man who held her captive. >> day turned into night, night turned into day. years turned into eternity. i knew nobody cared about me. he told me that my family didn't care. >> reporter: knight was 21 years old when castro lured her in
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with promises of a puppy for her son. amanda berry 16 when she was abducted. today she's 27. gina dejesus was 14. now 23. >> gina was my teammate. she never let me fall. i never let her fall. she nursed me back to health when i was dying from his abuse. >> reporter: michelle was the only victim who came to court. he's 32 years old but so small her rescuers thought she was a child. today she was a tiny tower of strength. as she spoke, ariel astro's eyes never left her. this is the moment he registered emotion. >> i spent 11 years in hell. your hell is just beginning. i will overcome all this that happened but you will face hell for eternity. >> reporter: today a new glimpse into what those women endured. the rusty chains castro used to retrain them often for weeks at a time with little food. we learned they all kept
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diaries documenting their ordeal, fearing they would never make it out alive. in a rambling statement castro implied he was the real victim insisting he never abused any of the women. >> i'm not a violent predator. they're trying to make me look like a monster. i'm not a monster. i'm a normal person. i'm just sick. >> reporter: castro became emotional talking about his daughter with amanda berry but the judge was unmoved. castro will never be allowed to see jocelyn again. he was sentenced to life in prison plus 1,000 years. now his victims are moving forward. gina's cousin telling the court of the every day milestones. >> she laughs, she swims. she dances, and more importantly, she loves and she's loved. >> reporter: for michelle knight, standing up there today, a giant step forward. >> after 11 years, i am finally being heard and it's liberating. thank you all.
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i love you. god bless you. >> reporter: and even though michelle did shed tears in that courtroom, her strength never wavered. she says all of the support she has gotten since she was freed has taught her there is still more good than evil. diane? >> it was a stunning day. thank you, alex. the judge, as you know, said that michelle knight showed remarkable strength when she listened to ariel castro ramble about his own unhappiness. we asked cynthia mcfadden to ask the experts to take us inside the mind of a diluted abuser. >> reporter: ariel castro took full advantage of his right to speak today. for 16 minutes he alternated between self-pity and apology, defiance and lack of remorse. through it all, stunning delusion. >> most of the sex that went on in the house and probably all of it was con sensual.
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>> reporter: perhaps mr. castro cannot bear to see himself the way the rest of us do, saying he repeatedly is not violent, not a monster. he called himself a victim, saying as a child he had been sexually assaulted and is now addicted to porn. the judge made short of that. >> you've been the victimizer. >> reporter: castro is right about one thing. he is a sick man. >> is ariel castro a sick man or just an evil one? >> he himself seems confused about that and society as well. he has some sort of sexual disorder. he certainly describes the fact that he feels driven by a force he doesn't fully understand. >> reporter: if he's so sick, how did he go undetected all those years? >> what all of us are concerned about is he's a very good liar. >> reporter: being mentally ill does not mean he is not legally responsible. legal insanity is a very high bar used in only one percent of cases and experts say not applicable here. a relative of gina dejesus also spoke today.
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>> to ariel castro. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: looking ariel castro straight in the eye, may god have mercy on your soul. cynthia mcfadden, abc news, new york. >> i want to bring in abc's chief legal analyst, dan abrams. dan, he pled guilty but proceeded to try to deny what he pled to and claimed have to have been misunderstood. does the judge have to let him do this? >> the judge has to let him speak, the judge has to give him an opportunity to say anything that could lead to a more lenient sentence. the last thing they want is an issue on appeal later on. the judge may have been able to step in earlier but the bottom line is this guy has a very distorted view of the world. everything he said seemed to be intended to ingender sympathy from the court and the people watching and yet, everything he said seemed to back fire. everything seemed to make it worse for him.
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>> when he goes to prison now for life, is he a target of other prisoners? >> absolutely. the first thing that's going to happen is he's going to be held in solitary confinement. everyone in ohio who is a male sex offender goes to a particular institution there, evaluated as to how violent an offender they are. that determines which prison they go to. no question, he's going to have to be held in solitary confinement not as a punishment but to protect him from other prisoners. >> this is the rest of his life for sure. >> yes. >> dan abrams, again our thanks to you. and next tonight we turn to a developing story about terror threats against americans, word tonight that every american embassy across the muslim world has been ordered to close this coming sunday, august 4th. there is a new and mysterious security concern. here's abc's chief global affairs correspondent, martha raddatz. >> reporter: the threat is credible and serious. a senior u.s. official telling abc news, there is a "specific
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against a u.s. embassy or consulate, we just don't know what the specific target is." another u.s. official adding, "there could be other targets, not just embassies." beginning sunday, some of our biggest embassies will be closing. including egypt, iraq and kuwait. there has not been a mass closing of embassies and consulates due to an intelligence threat since the first anniversary of 9/11. normally an ambassador would make the determination, but this time it is washington ordering the embassies to close down. and while the closures right now are just for sunday, they could be extended for several days as u.s. intelligence works vigorously to get more specifics. diane? >> story still unfolding, thank you, martha raddatz. also from overseas tonight guess who is leaving the airport? edward snowden who leaked government secrets walked out after 38 days in exile in the moscow terminal.
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he is reportedly staying with americans who live in russia. russia gave him temporary asylum for one year, a move that sent shock waves all the way to the white house briefing room. >> we see this as an unfortunate development and we are extremely disappointed by it. we've made clear there is legal justification for mr. snowden's return. >> spokesman jay carney said president obama was given no prior notice by the russians. it's unclear if president obama will meet with russian president putin as scheduled in september. another story out of russia one that could rock team usa before the winter olympics begin. the russian government making threats about gay athletes and gay rights. could some americans be arrested before they get to compete? >> reporter: in over six months russia helps to welcome the world into the winter olympics in sochi. today the russian sports minister warned that athletes
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and spectators could be targeted if they violate the country's new anti-gay law, threatening fines, deportation and even jail. speaking about homosexuality around mine orors or displaying a rainbow flag are illegal since the law was signed in june. but johnny weir, a two time olympian and openly gay american figure skater says the law isn't going to stop him. >> i'll take proper precautions but at the same time i won't stop being myself. i won't stop being johnny weir, the gay fabulous ice skater person walking down the street. >> reporter: homophobia is rampant in russia. gay rights demonstrations are usually met with violence. police often ignore the attackers and arrest the protestors. activist say it's only gotten worse since the law was passed. >> government officially permitted the attack to these people. >> reporter: could you and i be arrested for talking in public right now about you being gay? >> yes, i can be arrested. >> reporter: in the u.s.
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activists are calling for a boycott on products like russian vodka and even participation in the olympics. so far the international olympic committee has remained silent on this latest warning. back here at home tonight another soaring day on the stock market, another record high, the dow up almost 20% this year. the s&p 500, a broader measure of the market, another record. the markets expect the new employment number to be solid when it comes out tomorrow. on the subject of jobs, our "made in america" team is back tonight with u.s. workers who have made the world's first smart phone created right here at home. they're issuing a challenge to china as a giant company to assemble their phones overseas. abc's david muir shows us how these americans are calling the world to say we are back. >> reporter: 8,000 miles away tonight, new smartphones, iphones --
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racing off assembly lines in china and tonight hard at work inside this texas factory, the first smart phone made in america, about to come off the line and we are the first to see it. >> where would these phones have been made before? >> china. >> now they're made here. >> right here. >> reporter: arguing that it makes business sense to make these smart phones here. shipping costs from china slashed. but wages in china rising. >> they are putting together the factory as we speak. >> they are building. >> reporter: air force veteran tabitha debose looking for work no longer. >> it was boom, boom, pop. i got a job. >> now you're running the place. >> reporter: 14 assembly lines already. they're still hiring. >> 2,000 jobs by the end of august? >> correct. >> reporter: 2,000 new jobs in a factory actually built 20 years ago for old school cell phones. those jobs then outsourced to china. >> this factory went dark? >> absolutely. >> reporter: motorola's last phone made in america.
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>> this looks like it belongs in the smithsonian. >> reporter: the old one side by side with the new one. >> i'd say it's a slight upgrade. >> yeah. >> reporter: but what about all those tiny parts, a thousand semiconductors inside the smart phone. any of them made here? oregon, utah, california, texas, north carolina, massachusetts and maine. >> there's a whole lot of america in this phone? >> there's a lot of america in this phone. >> this is moto x you can see here made in the u.s. you're seeing it right here before they're sold. they're not even on store shelves yet. >> reporter: sylvia, three children, she's another new hire tonight. >> you're the last person who touches the phone before it goes in the box? >> yes. >> i hope they like their phone. >> reporter: one more selling point. who hasn't fumbled with their smart phone pulling it out getting ready to take a picture. they think they've solved it. all you have to do is shake it twice, the camera comes up and it's ready. >> reporter: a snapshot of the new smart phone made in america. >> made in america! >> go usa. still eat here on "world
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news," controlling your home from anywhere, from the garage door to the light. guess what? can thieves take control, too? how much does your dog really like you? tonight scientists have cracked the code, what they say dogs are really trying to tell you when they walk in the door and do this. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool. only from progressive.
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next tonight, some smart new advice about home safety and all the technology making everything easier from your appliances to your garage door. abc's neal karlinsky shows us how thieves can now open up your house from hundreds of miles away. >> reporter: in promotional videos online, and we found plenty, so-called smart homes look amazing. lights, shades, thermostats, even toilets, all controlled remotely with the touch of a smart phone. sounds great, right? >> it was a thrill and a chill at the same time. >> reporter: thomas hatley, who has a connected home in oregon, says a reporter in new york hacked into his home and took control as part of an experiment to expose its vulnerabilities. >> she said, okay, i'm gonna turn them off, and they went off. i mean, even before she finished speaking. and then she said and now i'm going to -- and they turned back on.
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>> reporter: security experts worry the home break in is evolving, now it's the home hack in. a security consultant showed us that with just a few clicks, it's possible to access a person's home, even baby monitors and cameras. >> pretty scary. you don't have to have any physical proximity to the individual, you can be all the way on the other side of the world if you wanted to. >> reporter: there is the low tech garage door opener as well. thieves have been hacking into those frequencies for years. but security companies are fighting back with cutting edge systems to match hackers or thieves. >> we've seen the hackers go after a series of different platforms. i definitely think that the next wave could be our homes. >> reporter: our experts say that making sure new systems are password protected and not connected to the internet without a fire wall is critical. neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. coming up next, how much bang for the buzz are you really getting? a reality check, can you guess which of these has twice the
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remember the jetsons and the flying cars? tonight get ready because a new england aviation company has unveiled a car called "the transition." it is a car, it's on a test flight in wisconsin cruising at 100 miles per hour in the air and 65 on the ground going from highway to sky and back again with break through wings that fold up at the push of a button. the company says they hope to sell the first ones in 2015 for more than $200,000. although we don't think they're including a special seat for fido like the jetsons. everyone has a favorite coffee. which brand do you drink in the morning? today a reality check on the buzz for the buck. caffeine comparison. in a 12-ounce cup mcdonald's has 9 milligrams of caffeine. dunkin doughnuts nearly 13, star bucks a whopping 20, and for the very brave and jittery, death wish coffee which you can buy online and it packs 54
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milligrams. when we come back right here, how do they really feel about you? a new report on the secret language of cats and dogs. are they finally decoded? what are they really saying when they do this, next. [ male announcer ] a bachelor's degree from devry university could change your tomorrow, if you do something today. with our career catalyst scholarship you can. apply by august 29th for up to $20,000 for qualifying new students. last year, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment, had careers in their field within 6 months. so with this scholarship you could be on your way. now's the time. visit and apply by august 29th. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over! [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips'. [ woman ] hop on over! with freshly bakedeve in whole grain bread.right
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finally tonight a new translation of the language of dogs and cats. could we be entirely wrong when we see that tail wagging. abc's linzie janis on listening to the animals. >> reporter: pets aren't always this easy to read. >> there's a lot of jumping and tail wagging. >> he'll stick out his lower tooth like this. >> reporter: researchers say there may be some, shall we say, misunderstanding between us. scientists in japan used high speed cameras to track doggy facial expressions in different situations and they found similar patterns in how they behaved. they say raised eyebrows,
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especially the left one means i'd like your attention. they notice the dog's left ear moves back when coming across a stranger expressing fear. >> looking away is definitely a sign that she's a little bit not very happy. >> reporter: in dog speak that means i'm being polite, avoiding confrontation. cats are more complicated. in britain, animal scientists came up with a self-help video for cat owners looking to decode their mysterious ways, like this kitty rolling over, think this means rub my belly, please? not quite. in fact, that would be a violation of trust. it's telling you rub my head and not for too long. cats like a lot of me time. next time you think kitty needs a big hug or fido is care free, take a closer look. after all, communication is everything. linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> i think it's all just love. i do. thank you for watching tonight. we're always there for you at "nightline" will be here later and we'll see you again right
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back here tomorrow night. good night. tonight prospect of another bart strike and it could be a long run. we're live at a unionvv"y rall. >> people depend on bart more than most of us and an app helping you find a ride to work. abc 7 news gets advanced words on a lawsuit to be filed over richmond refinery fire. we'll bring you the angry response. >> in sacramento, two recent
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train crashes raises questions about the safety of california's own high speed rail system. >> brace yourself for another nightmare on the roadways. a second strike may be a pons yinlt -- possibility. thanks for joining us. >> with an estimated 10% fewer people on vacation, a strike next week is sure to be worse than the last one, just less than a month ago. negotiations have recessed for the day. union officials left talks to attend a rally in downtown oakland. sky 7 is over that rally right now. the workers about embark to bart headquarters. buses and ferries have been lined up in the event of a strike. we have team coverage for you tonight. and nick smith is at the rally.
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nick, let's start with you. >> danny glover spoke about 15 minutes ago. 500 people here to hear him speak. listen to what he thood say. -- he had to say. this is a view from sky 7. i can put people here between 400 and 500 strock. now they say they're all here because negotiations between bart manment and two main unions have been going on since march. two sides remain far apart at issues at the core of the dispute. i can tell you strike and drive but